Friday, December 3, 2010


This collection of prayers is intended for those who wish to offer written prayers for friends, family, or church members as an expression of their love and faith. The short prayers are for times of both celebration and need and easily can be adapted to suit the particular situation of the recipient. Please feel free to copy and paste them into your computer to make your personalized cards, or they may be handwritten on invitation-size card notes.

The prayers are written from a Christian perspective, but may be adapted to suit the religious perspective of any God-seeker or spiritual traveller. All Scripture quotes are from the New International Version,, 2006 Zondervan

There are 34 short prayers for teens in this section to give you a starting place to send your own prayers to friends, neighbors, and those whom you feel led to pray for. Please feel free to copy them and adapt them as you see fit.



Birthday Prayers for Teens (308-311)

Prayers For Teens and Their Families (312-320)

Prayers For Teens to Pray for Themselves (321-342)

Birthday Prayers For Teens (308-311)

Gracious God,
We thank you today for the gift of life to your dear child, _____, and for all the ways she enriches our life with joy. Bless her now and in the year ahead, and grant her a growing depth of wisdom and faith as she continues to mature in body and mind. Clothe her in your righteousness and keep her safe and healthy. And help her to remember to turn to you at all times, especially when making choices. In Christ we pray. (308)

Awesome God,
We see your compassionate, forgiving face in Jesus, and we bow in adoration. We thank today you for your beloved child, _____. We delight that you are shaping her into a seeker of compassion and justice on behalf of those in need. Bless her now by your Spirit’s power as you continue to guide her in the path of Jesus. And may she mature into a woman of great integrity and overflowing joy. In Christ we pray.

Precious Lord,
We thank you for the wonder of love and the way it shapes us into becoming loving people. We bless you for the wonder of faith and the way it calls us into becoming faithful people. And we praise you for the wonder of joy and the way it leads us into jubilant living. We are so thankful for your beloved daughter, _____, and for all the love, faith, and joy she exudes. Keep her in your watchful care and lead her onward into life’s awaiting arms. In Christ we pray. (310)

O Hound of Heaven,
You pursue us across the span of our lives, calling for us to listen and to trust. Captivated by your love, we are both blessed and challenged as we follow Jesus in a life of intimate companionship with you. On this special day, let your grace abound on your dear child _____. And bless her as you continue to lead her into a life of righteousness and peace. In Jesus we pray. (311)

For Teens and Their Families (312-320)

Holy God,
We pray your deep blessings upon the _____ family as they go through some troubled times. Especially we lift up before you _____ and ask your abiding grace upon her as she acts out in unhealthy ways. Guard her body, mind and spirit. Give her wisdom to make good choices and remind her how much she is loved. Keep her parents focused on those things they can do to help and give them the strength to persevere in loving discipline and expectant hope. Through Christ our Savior we pray. (312)

Dear Father,
We thank you that you love us just the way we are! It is such as relief not to have to pretend with you or try to make ourselves look better than we are. We pray that you will bless your dear child, _____, who feels bad about herself because she has blown it. We pray you will help her accept your pardon and give her the courage and strength to do better next time. Guide her steps in ways that will help her flourish and lead her in the footsteps of Jesus all of her lifelong. In Christ we pray. (313)

Ever-loving God,
Our dear friend, _____, needs your help. Show her your love in ways large and small and remind her that you are for her, with her, and here to guide her every day. Help her to trust in the plan you have for her life that she cannot yet see or understand. Grant her your Spirit and give her the healing of her body, mind, and soul that she needs so badly, that she may find hope in the love of her family, friends, and community. Through Jesus Christ we pray. (314)

Dear Lord,
There are so many people in _____’s life for whom she prays, but we ask your special blessing upon her (friend, mother, etc.)_____ who is very ill and needs your saving grace. Hear our prayers and those of all who love and care for her. Heal her according to your good will and mercy. Let the minds and hands of the medical staff be the blessed touch of Christ upon her, and send your Spirit to abide with her and all those who wait by her side. In Jesus we pray. (315)

O God our Judge,
Our friend, _____, is going to court today and is in need of your special blessings. She is nervous about what lies ahead. Be with the lawyers and the judge who will be deciding what will happen to her. She is sorry for what she did and wants to learn how to do things differently. Lead people into her life that can influence her for good, and help her make the changes in her heart, mind, and lifestyle that can bring her real satisfaction and joy. We pray in Jesus who is our Way, Truth, and Life. (316)

Dearest God,
Your beloved child, _____, says that she’s thinking about cutting her wrists again but doesn’t want to go back to that. Your saving grace has been with her through her therapy and medications, but right now she feels stuck in a bad place and can’t see her way forward. We know your will for her is a flourishing life. So send your Spirit's miracle-working power to help her see the future you have planned for her. And let your peace dwell within her now and always. In Christ we pray. (317)

Gracious God,
Your beloved child, _____, has been struggling with her sexual identity and is certain she is gay. She feels that she is living a lie and wants to come out to her parents, but is afraid of their reaction. And so, we ask your amazing grace upon her and her family in this situation. Grant her courage to give her parents the gift of the truth, and give them the unconditional love that she needs from them. May they each be a blessing to one another, filled with your peace and surprised by joy. In Christ we pray. (318)

Your dear child, _____, feels lost and alone. She is overwhelmed right now with the loss of her faith. Remind her yet again that you are the giver of faith and that you are with her whether or not she can sense your Spirit's touch. Shower her with your blessings in the ways you know that she needs. Let your tender mercies be her confidence, her consolation, and her joy. And give her good hope in Jesus, her companion and friend. In Christ we pray. (319)

Spirit of Life,
You know the difficulties and heartaches that your dear child, _____, endures in her disability. Even more than she is aware, you know her needs and are faithfully working out a plan for her life. But she is so tired of the struggle. We pray that you will bless her now in her pain and isolation. Help her to persevere with confidence in your amazing grace. Open up her heart and life so that she may find flourishing joy in the future you have in store for her. In Jesus' name we pray. (320)

For Teens to Pray for Themselves (321-342)

Jesus My Friend,
You know that I’m scared to go to school. I hate the violence, the cussing, and the awful sense of being left out. Other people are giving me a hard time and I don’t know if it’s even worth going there. They say that you are the friend of outcasts, so won’t you please help me? Please send someone to be my friend, someone I can talk to who will listen and won’t laugh at me. I hope you’re listening now and will help me. I’ll keep my eyes opened for you to send somebody my way. Thank you, Jesus. (321)

Gracious God,
You know me better than I know myself. I don’t know why I lie (drink/do drugs, sleep around/steal/smoke/cheat) the way I do. Even before I realize what I am doing, I am caught up in it. I hate living this way and feeling this way. Please help me to change, Lord. You are the God of miracles and I ask your Spirit to come and work a miracle in me. Give me the courage to ask someone for help and then the strength to do what they say. I know that it will take time and hard work, but I believe you can transform me, Lord. And never stop loving me. In Jesus my Savior I pray. (322)

Help me God!
I feel so much anxiety and pressure. I don’t understand what’s going on half the time and I find myself getting angry over any little thing. I’ve got to do better than this. Help me look deeply and truthfully inside myself to understand what’s going on and lead me on the pathway of peace. Thank you for being here. (323)

Lord, I feel so hopeless. I’m so out of control and I don’t even know why I do what I do. I’ve tried to stop because it’s insane, but I can’t. I hate the lies; I hate feeling this way. If your power is enough to make the world, could it help me make mine sane again? I know I can’t do it alone, but maybe you can do it through me. You are my only hope. Please God. Help me and show me the way. (324)

Dear God,
Thank you for all the blessing you give me: for my family, my healthy body and mind, my church family and my faith. Thank you for your forgiveness that makes every day a new beginning.
Help me follow Jesus, please. I want to be a blessing to my world. Keep me truthful, joyful, and kind, and give me the inner strength to do the right thing each day. And thank you for always being with me. In Jesus’ name I pray. (325)

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Help me to serve you and this world according to your will and help me to remember that I just need to live one day at a time. Thank you for hanging in there with me. In Jesus’ name.

Okay God,
I’m not sure what I’m doing talking to you. I don’t even think I believe in you. But just in case you’re there, please help. If you really are God, then you know the mess I’m in and you know that there is no easy way out. Maybe I don’t even need a way out, just a way through it all. If you can do anything at all, please do it and let me know that you’re behind it all. I’d really appreciate it. (327)

Heavenly Father,
I pray for my parents who have been fighting a lot lately. They are scaring me because sometimes I think that my dad/mom is going to leave us. What will I do if our family splits up? Won’t you help them, please? And help me remember that you love them and you love me and no matter what the future may bring, you will always be with us. In Jesus name I pray. (328)

Holy Lord,
I pray for my parents because I love them and need them. I know it’s really hard for them to deal with me sometimes, but both Mom and Dad are wonderful. Please give them a good life and keep them healthy and help my mom quit smoking. Bless my sisters/brothers and me, so we can let them know how great we think they are. Thank you for making us a family. In Jesus’ name I pray. (329)

Father in Heaven,
Please keep my mom/dad safe when she isn’t home. It’s so hard for her to be so far away, and it’s really hard on all of us. We miss her so much and are so afraid for her in that dangerous place. Bless all the people involved in fighting wars and the civilians whose homes and cities are being destroyed, especially the children. Give foresight and wisdom to the president and to the leaders of nations around the world so that peace will come and peace will stay. In Jesus name I pray. (330)

Lord God,
I am so worried about my friend/cousin/sister, _____. She is thinking about killing herself. She has so many troubles that are making her do crazy things. She won’t listen to me. I pray for her, Lord. And I pray for myself that you will give me the courage to speak to someone about her. Show me who to go to for help and then use my words and my love to help lead her out of this mess. In Jesus our Savior I pray. (331)

Dear God,
I’m really concerned about, _____. Alcohol/drugs/sex has her in its grip and she feels lost and alone. And I’m afraid I might go the same way. It’s so easy to give in and so hard not to. Pour out your life-giving grace to help her and show her the way of salvation. Help us both to find ways to have fun without doing harmful things. Send your Spirit to show me how I can be a real friend to her and to myself, so that we both will choose the paths of joy and goodness that Jesus calls us to walk. In Him I pray. (332)

Lord God,
Please help (my aunt/sister/mom/friend) to stop drinking/smoking crack. She can’t see how much it’s ruining her life, or if she does see it, she can’t stop. Please watch over her and keep her safe. Give her the strength and courage to go to a 12 Step meeting or somewhere to find how to get her life back. I don’t know what I can do to help besides pray. Just show me if there’s something out there I can do. In the meantime, hear my prayers, O Lord, and deliver her from this evil. In Jesus I pray. (333)

Dear God,
You know how bad my (sister) feels about herself. I ask that you will help her like herself more and stop putting herself down all the time. She’s such a beautiful person inside and out. I really want to thank you for putting her in my life. And please help me to become someone that she is really happy to have in her life, too. And help us both turn to you more often and to worship you all week long, not just on Sundays. In Jesus’ name I pray. (334)

Dear God,
My sisters/brothers are driving me crazy. I can’t stand them fighting all the time. I can’t even stand to see their faces sometimes. You’re going to have to help me with this because right now I hate them. I know you have made us a family and we’re supposed to love one another, so help me to love them better and help them to act better. Thank you. In Jesus’ name I pray. (335)

Sweet Jesus,
My sister, _____, is drifting away from you and I feel like I’m losing her, too. She’s always been the one to make me stop and think about what is right and I know I wouldn’t be who I am without her. But she’s changed so much and now she needs help. Bless her as only you can. Send your Spirit to bring her back on track. And help me understand her feelings and find the right words when she gets so weird. In your holy name I trust and pray. (336)

Saving God,
My (grandmother) is so weak since her stroke. She has to work so hard just to try to talk and move and it breaks my heart. I know that you love her and that you can bring blessings even out of horrible, terrible things, so I ask you to bless her at this horrible, terrible time. When she taught me to pray, she told me how merciful you are, and so now I ask you to have mercy and heal my wonderful G’ma.. I pray as she taught me, in Jesus’ name. (337)

Good God,
Life is so unfair. So many people suffer and such terrible things happen, and yet the Church says that you are in charge of it, working out your goodness in the face of evil by the power of your Holy Spirit. I don’t understand it, but I want to believe. So fill in the gaps of my unbelief and show me what I can do to help you. Help me follow Jesus to be a blessing to others who are in need. Strengthen my courage, sharpen my vision, and shape my will so that it fits in with your Kingdom. In the name of the King I pray. (338)

Thank you, Lord! Thank you for the sense of forgiveness I feel today. It’s such a wonderful thing not to be stuck with the heavy burden of guilt I’ve been carrying around. I feel like you’ve given me a whole new beginning and I thank you, thank you, thank you. Yea God! Yea Jesus! Yea me! (339)

Holy God,
I want to be kinder to other people and more respectful of them. I don’t want to judge them and put them down the way I do. I’m sorry for slamming so many of my friends and for being two-faced. I want to be a good person and I believe you can help me become one. Please help me to keep holding the hand of Jesus every day, so that I can find the inner strength to do the right thing. I want to grow in my relationship with you and I hope you’ll answer this prayer! In Jesus’ name I pray.

O God,
I need some direction for the coming months and years ahead. I know that you have a place for me, so take me there and help me to stay focused and not screw up. I want to make my parents proud, I want to be proud of myself, and most especially, I want to please you. So take my hand and give me courage, give me direction, and give me wisdom as I face whatever is ahead. Help me grow stronger in you and give me the faith and trust to do what you will. In Jesus I pray. (341)

You are an awesome God! You have given me so many blessings and I’m very, very grateful. Thank you for my life, my family, my friends, and my church family. I love you and want to do your will because you have faith in me to serve you well. I seek your blessings for those in need, I seek your peace for those in despair, I seek your healing for the ill and dying, and I seek your light for those who are lost in the darkness. Thank you for faith and thank you for Jesus my Savior. In Him I pray. (342)


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