Friday, December 3, 2010


This collection of prayers is intended for those who wish to offer written prayers for friends, family, or church members as an expression of their love and faith. The short prayers are for times of both celebration and need and easily can be adapted to suit the particular situation of the recipient. Please feel free to copy and paste them into your computer to make your personalized cards, or they may be handwritten on invitation-size card notes.

The prayers are written from a Christian perspective, but may be adapted to suit the religious perspective of any God-seeker or spiritual traveller. All Scripture quotes are from the New International Version,, 2006 Zondervan

There are 91 short prayers for healing in this section to give you a starting place to send your own prayers to friends, neighbors, and those whom you feel led to pray for. Please feel free to copy them and adapt them as you see fit.


FOR HEALING (120-211)

General Healing (120-145)

Medical Testing or Hospital Stay (146-153)

Transplant Recipient (154)

Thanksgiving for a Good Report (155-158)

After a Fall or Accident (159-162)

Before a Child’s Surgery (163)

Before Surgery (164-167)

After Surgery (165-174)

Intensive Care or Isolation (175-176)

Chemotherapy and Long Term Treatment (177-183)

When the Patient is Unable to Pray (184-185)

For the Mentally Ill (186-188)

After a Stroke or Major Disability (189-195)

Recovery from Eating Disorders (196)

Recovery from Addictions (197-199)

Recovery from Guilt (200)

Two Patients in One Family (201-207)

Family Caregivers (208-209)

Patients Away from Home (210)

Family Members Apart from Patient (211)

Miscellaneous (unnumbered)

General Healing (120-145)

Compassionate God,
You know our needs even before we ask, and you answer our prayers according to your good will and mercy. And so with confidence in your faithful love and care, we pray for your child _____ in her time of illness. Give her all she may need each day, and bless her with your abundant goodness. Let your healing Spirit imbue her fainting heart and weakened body with hope, and grant her your peace. In Christ we pray. (120)

Great Hovering God,
Your shadow is our refuge and your steadfast love is our shield. How we bless you for the gift of faith that helps us trust your abiding presence with _____, who turns to you for refuge and healing. Keep your wings of healing outstretched, that she may find the strength and perseverance she needs to attain full recovery and mobility. And enfold her in the blessed peace of Christ now and always. In Him we pray. (121)

O Depth of Mercy,
We ask your tender, healing touch upon your precious daughter, _____, as she seeks a return to better health. Place your healing hand upon her that she may draw upon your strength and drink deeply of your empowering Spirit. And by the grace of our Lord Jesus, grant her comfort and peace beyond measure. In Christ we pray. (122)

Everlasting God,
We thank you for your Spirit that hovers over us, especially when we hunger for your healing, saving touch. We beseech your healing hand now upon _____ in this time of illness. Be with her in a powerful way, to bless her according to her need and your great mercy. And cause your face to shine upon her now and always. In Christ we pray. (123)

God of Grace,
You call us to seek your face whenever courage falters, despair nips at our heels, or hope is hidden in the tangle of our wills with yours. And so we call upon you now on behalf of our dear friend _____. Bless her, encourage her, and defeat her despair. Heal her body, mind, and spirit and turn her laments of pain and suffering into triumphant songs of praise. In Christ we pray. (124)

God of All Life,
When our journey takes us through the wilderness, we know that you are with us and will never abandon us. In your mercy, we ask you to anoint _____ with a keen awareness of your faithful presence in her life as you touch her with your Spirit that she may find the healing she seeks. And bless her with the courage, perseverance, and joy that is hers through the grace of Jesus. In Christ we pray. (125)

God of Saving Grace,
As you faithfully keep covenant with us in love and compassion, we rely moment by moment on your abiding presence. Pour out your Spirit now upon your child _____, as she goes through this dark and harrowing time. Strengthen and sustain her as you extend the warmth of Christ’s presence through the touch of his healing hand. Give her courage to endure and grace to thrive in praise and peace. In Christ we pray. (126)

O Everlasting Arms,
As in a mother’s embrace, you nurture and sustain us. Continue to uphold and enfold your beloved child _____, and bless her according to her need and your great mercy. As she seeks your healing touch, may she find an overflowing measure of the radiant joy and the sweet peace of communion with you. In Christ we pray. (127)

Creating God,
You complete your creation in us each day: healing our bodies and spirits and redeeming our darkness with the light of Christ. In this time of darkness, pain and despair, we ask that your healing grace may fill _____ with health and vitality. Change her weeping into shouts of joy and her despair into wings of hope. And grant her a full measure of peace—pressed down and running over. In Christ we pray. (128)

Giver of All Life,
We are grateful for the gifts of life, faith, and hope that call us to rejoice in your amazing grace, no matter the chaos around us. Our friend, _____, seeks your healing hand upon her as she battles this chaotic disease. May your Spirit’s breath give her all she may need. And let the marvelous peace of Christ settle gently in the deepest parts of her soul. In Him we pray. (129)

Compassionate God,
According to your tender mercies and good will, restore _____'s energies and give her the ability to be out and about among others again, to share her love for you and your world. But even while in her confinement and disability, lead her into a deeper, richer experience of your saving grace. Let your face shine upon her that she may continue to ride a rainbow of joy now and always. In Christ we pray. (130)

O Great Refuge,
We know that you are near and sustain us in all the circumstances of our days. We pray for your strong eternal Spirit to be upon our dear, _____, whose circumstances cause her weakness and despair. Give her the health and strength she is awaiting according to your good will and mercy. Be her peace and comfort today and light a kaleidoscope of hope in her heart. In Christ we pray. (131)

O God of Grace,
In this time of pain, suffering, and disease, we ask the presence of Christ to be with _____ in ways she might recognize. Be with those who care for her and work daily toward her returning health. Send your Holy Spirit to touch her with your strength, comfort, and peace. Bless her with all she may need to surmount this crisis and keep her eyes fixed upon Jesus, her Savior and Friend. In Christ we pray. (132)

. . .those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
Eternal God,
To turn to you is to soar, to endure, and to triumph. And so we turn and wait upon your healing breath to lift our dear _____ with the touch of your Spirit, to bring her to wholeness according to your good will. Lead her gently in this dark time of unknowing and pain, and shine your light of grace and peace upon her that she may not just survive but soar. In Christ we pray. (133)

O God of Covenant Love,
In the midst of our helplessness, we praise you for your goodness. In the face of our fears, we praise you for the balm of your peace. And in the battle of bodies fighting for better health, we praise you for your strength. Bless our dear _____ with the vitality, healing, and grace of your Spirit’s touch. Give her all she needs this day and lead her ever onward into the light and joy of your abundant life. In Christ we pray. (134)

O Sovereign Ruler of the Universe,
You call us to trust that you are working out your good will in the midst of all of the challenges of life, and that your grace is sufficient for today. May your abiding Spirit continue to pour out all of the strength and perseverance that _____ needs for this day. Bring her to wholeness according to your good will and mercy and confer upon her your healing light and peace. In Christ we pray. (135)

Merciful God,
Through all of life we are upheld and sheltered by your everlasting arms. What, then, shall we fear? Bless _____ now in her discomfort and pain and give her good hope as she seeks your healing. Calm her fears and let the touch of those who surround her with care and concern be your gracious hands upon her. In Christ we pray. (136)

Great Sustainer of Our Days,
In your merciful care, you hear our prayers and are quick to respond according to your good will and mercy. Hear us as we pray for your tender mercies to flow upon _____ now and in the days ahead. Bless her with your healing presence as she seeks a return to full health and mobility. Diminish her pain, shatter her fears, mend her body, and help her to rest patiently in you. In Christ we pray. (137)

O Great Physician,
Trusting in your faithfulness, we pray for our dear sister, _____, who is in need of your consolation and healing touch. Be for her a light in darkness, a balm in anxiety, and a roadmap in uncertainty. Grant her strength and courage, rest and hope, and bathe her wounds in your refreshing joy and peace. We ask through Christ our Savior and Friend. (138)

O Canopy of Grace,
In steadfast love and mercy, you stretch a tent of compassionate care over us all our days. We pray on behalf of our sister, _____, whose needs are great at this time of illness and despair. Let your Spirit rest upon her as a warming blanket, and your peace embrace her as she awaits your healing. And may the hands that touch and tend her be the hands of Christ upon her. In Him we pray. (139)

Eternal Love,
You bestow upon us all that is needed for triumphant living, no matter the circumstances in which we find ourselves. We ask your grace-filled blessings to continue to pour out upon our dear sister _____, according to her need and your goodness and mercy. Fill her with your solace, energize her with your Spirit’s strength, and accord her the hope of your healing. In Christ we pray. (140)

Great Guiding Light,
We praise you for your goodness that gives hope and purpose to our lives, no matter our circumstances. We thank you for the healing that _____ has received and pray you will continue to bless her, granting her wisdom, peace, joy, and strength for the living of her days. And help her joyfully follow in the steps of Christ as he leads her ever onward. In Him we pray. (141)

O You Who Lifts our Heads,
We join our voices with the saints in every time and place to thank you for your greatness and mercy! And as we bless you, we ask your blessing upon _____, who is awaiting your healing touch. Help her spirit soar, even while her body is bound by pain and disability. Give her all she may need according to your merciful good will and grant to her the joy and peace of deep communion with you. In Christ we pray. (142)

God of the Sweet and the Bitter,
You know us far greater than we know ourselves and you bless us with your grace in every circumstance of our lives. And so we lift before you now the circumstances in _____’s life that keep her in deep need and lingering sorrow. In your mercy, grant her a sure certainty of your presence and an abundant portion of your healing grace. Give her all she needs each day and let your light shine on her. In the peace of Christ we pray. (143)

O God of Miracles,
We are grateful for all of your abundant mercies upon _____ throughout the years, but especially during this time of trauma and confinement. We see your Spirit's hand upon her as every day she grows stronger and closer to complete recovery. Your healing grace is the source of her thanksgiving and your comforting presence is the source of her joy. We rejoice in Christ with confidence and praise. Hallelujah! (

Compassionate One,
Your steadfast love and mercy are the source of all healing and hope, and so we pray for your blessings upon _____ in her time of need. Send your Spirit's mighty power to make her whole and well, so she may once again have full use of her body without pain. Let those who tend her have the healing touch of Christ in their hands and infuse your deep, sweet peace in her heart. In Christ we pray. (145)

For Medical Testing or Hospital Stay (146-153)

Gracious God,
Throughout our lives you hold us tenderly within your heart, but especially in times of unknowing and fear you are our comfort, our strength, and our hope. We pray that you will help _____ find the cause of her distress and relief from her pain. Guide the doctors and technicians that she may quickly get back to her normal activities, and bless her with your grace and peace. In Jesus' name we pray. (146)

Merciful God,
We know that whatever our circumstances may be, we can find what we need because of your amazing grace. We ask that you will place your Spirit's healing hand upon _____, that whatever is causing her body such distress may be quickly diagnosed and remedied. Let her recovery be seeded by your faithful love and watered by your overflowing peace that she may flourish each day. In Christ we pray. (147)

God of All Blessing,
We know that there is nothing beyond your power to bless. And so we pray for our sister _____ as she lies in pain upon her hospital bed awaiting your healing grace. Give her assurance of your presence and help her to trust your good will and mercy. And may all who care for her convey your touch. In the light and peace of Christ we pray. (148)

Compassionate God,
Through all of life we are upheld by your never-failing love. It is your faithful care that makes us bold to call upon you for courage, strength, and healing. Bless our dear _____ now with courage and strength as she undergoes her testing and hears her diagnosis. Grant her healing according to your good will and mercy. Tune her heart to hear your voice as she clings in trust and hope to Jesus. In Him we pray. (149)

Healing God,
You walk with us through our troubles and work out your good purposes in all of the circumstances of our days. So we ask for your tender, healing touch upon _____ in this time of unknowing. May your saving grace sustain her through the pain, the dizziness, and the difficult testing she must undergo. And as she draws strength and hope from Jesus her Friend, enable her to pray, "Thy will be done." In Christ we pray. (150)

God Our Shepherd,
You lead us to still waters where you fill our cup of life to overflowing, even as you quiet our souls. Be now a source of courage, perseverance, and goodness for _____ as she battles yet another setback. May the touch of her caregivers bring healing balm upon her body and spirit. Bless her with all she may need for this difficult day, and fill her to overflowing with the light and peace of Jesus. In Christ we pray. (151)

God of All Creation,
The faith you give us calls us to lean on your grace that is sufficient for all our needs. You remind us to be confident that you are working out your good will. In this time of _____'s continuing struggle, bless her with all that she needs. May her medical team find the cause of her problems so she may find the mobility she seeks. And comfort her now and always with the light and peace of Christ. In your holy name we pray. (152)

God of the Here and Now,
We thank you for your Spirit that abides with us to comfort and to bless, especially during dark times of unknowing. We rejoice that _____ has made it safely thus far through her ordeal. Restore her to health and wholeness by the healing balm of your Spirit's breath. And hear the prayers of those who patiently wait by her bedside in love and hope. In Christ we pray. (153)

Transplant Recipient (154)

God of New Beginnings,
We thank you that _____ has now received her long-awaited _____(organ), and we ask your healing blessings as her body struggles to accept it as its own. We pray for the family whose great loss has brought this incredible miracle of new life, and we thank you for their willingness to give such a precious gift. Hear the voices of the members of both families who cry out to you now in sorrow and joy. In Christ we pray. (154)

Thanksgiving for a Good Report (155-158)

God of Hope,
We are so grateful for your merciful presence with us in times good and bad, and for your abundant goodness that fills us with your grace. Our hearts overflow with thanksgiving for the good report our sister-in-Christ, _____, has received from the doctors. Continue to bless her with growing health, good energy, and great hope for her journey. And lead her in the ways of Jesus each day. In Christ we pray. (155)

O Giver of All Goodness,
We do heartily thank you for your faithfulness to us and to this world you love so dearly. And we thank you especially for the good news that _____ has received from her medical team. Continue to meet her every need according to your good will and mercy. Bless her and her loved ones each day that they may know your Spirit’s blessings each day. In Christ we pray. (156)

O God of Good News,
How we thank you for your steadfast love and faithfulness in good times and in bad? You have provided encouraging results from _____’s test and we are most grateful.
We pray now for her and her family as they celebrate this new lease on life. Continue to wrap her in your Spirit’s tender care. And make your face to shine upon her as she joyfully follows in the steps of Jesus each day. In Christ we pray. (157)

Compassionate God,
Your care and peace are our hearts’ desire, for in your love and mercy we find meaning and hope for each day. With hearts full of thanksgiving, we bless you for the good report our sister-in-Christ _____ has received from her doctors. We are so grateful for her growing energy and for the hope with which she now journeys toward tomorrow. May your abiding presence guide her in peace each day. In Christ we pray. (158)

After a Fall or Accident (159-162)

Heavenly Rest,
Like a good shepherd, you tend us as your flock, caring for our needs and injuries.
We thank you for your Spirit's touch upon our friend, _____, a healing touch that causes broken bones to knit and injuries to mend. We ask that you will continue to bless her and restore her to full mobility, according to your good will and mercy. May she stand in hope and walk in the light and peace of Christ now and always. In Him we pray. (159)

God Our Strength,
We pray that your healing presence will be upon our dear friend, _____, as she recovers from her fall. Let your wondrous Spirit heal her bumps and bruises, her aches and pains, and especially her broken _____(body part). May your tender care and mercy mend her and make her mobile again. Grant her patience and hope, and guard her coming in and her going out throughout her days. In Christ we pray. (160)

God our Maker,
We thank you that we can never stray beyond your unblinking eye, nor fall by the wayside unnoticed. We bless you for your tight hold upon _____ during this time of trauma from her accident. We pray that you will continue to tend and bless her through these difficult [weeks/months] of recovery. Mend her body and favor her soul with all she may need to let hope and joy blossom along the way. In Christ we pray. (161)

O Hovering God,
You carry us when we are weak and heal us when we are wounded, helping us to remember the life-long blessings of your gracious love. We ask your Spirit’s healing touch upon our sister, _____, as she struggles with her wounded body and heart. Carry her over the rough spots and bless her according to her need and your compassionate goodness that she may abide in the grace and peace of Christ. In Jesus we pray. (162)

Before a Child’s Surgery (163)

God of Hope,
We are grateful for the faith you give us to believe that your good will and mercy prevail over all of life's challenges. Hear our prayers on behalf of little _____ as she undergoes her surgery. May your healing Spirit work through her surgeons, medications, and caregivers according to your gracious will and mercy. And tenderly comfort her parents and family as they hold her in their hearts. In the peace of Christ we pray. (163)

Before Surgery (164-167)

O Living God,
Your faithful care of us is from everlasting to everlasting. Extend that care now to _____ as she undergoes her surgery. Let your Spirit be with all the medical team who will tend and care for her, giving them clear minds and steady hands as she goes through these perilous times. And bring her to a swift and complete recovery according to your good will and mercy. In Christ we pray. (164)

O Healing God,
You know _____’s need at this time as she waits for her surgery in both anxiety and hope for good results. Speak to her heart and allay her fears, we pray. Guide the hands of all who will be caring for her. Give her strength to meet the challenges of recovery and rehabilitation with courage and trust in you. Attend to her needs according to your good will, and bless her through Jesus our Savior. In Christ we pray. (165)

Gracious God,
We are in awe of the ways you bless so abundantly, especially in the midst of dark and uncertain times. Bless our friend, _____, through the nurses, doctors, and technicians who seek her return to health and mobility. Let their hands be the hands of Christ upon her as you continue to fill her heart with love, her body with energy, and her soul with the peace of Christ. In the Spirit's power we pray. (166)

O Whispering Hope,
Even as we make our requests known, you prepare our hearts to receive your gifts of grace. Pour out your grace upon _____ in the coming time of surgery and recovery. Kindle within her the healing flames of your Spirit’s power. Rekindle the fires of faith, that where there is doubt, she may find trust, and where there is fear, she may remember the marvels of your amazing, faithful love. In the name of Jesus we pray. (167)

After Surgery (168-174)

God of Love,
In grace you remember the afflicted and whisper hope and life in our darkest hours. Whisper now to your daughter, _____. We thank you for her safe passage through the perils of surgery. Let your Spirit bring healing on its wings and bless her in her recovery and treatments. And may the care she receives be as the healing hands of Christ upon her, that she may find all that she needs. In Jesus we pray.

God of All Hope,
We thank you that by your faithful care and goodness _____ has made it safely through her surgery. We ask you to bring her into a full recovery of health as you continue to be a powerful source of comfort to her. May your healing touch be with her through her caregivers and through the love and prayers of all who wait by her bedside. And lead her always along your paths of peace. In Christ we pray. (169)

Loving God,
We offer to you our deep gratitude for the myriad ways you restore us by your grace, heal us in your mercy, and bless us with your faithful presence. Continue to rain down your blessings upon our sister, _____, as she recovers from her recent surgery. Send your healing Spirit to meet her every need and let the peace of Jesus be upon her like a shower of grace in a desert wilderness. In Christ we pray. (170)

Ever-watching God,
How grateful we are for your abundant mercies upon ____ throughout her life, but especially at this time of surgery. You have brought her safely through the operation into this time of recovery. We see the hands of Christ upon her in the excellent care of her medical team we thank you. May your Spirit enfold her even as your grace upholds her to heal and strengthen her in the days to come. In Christ we pray. (171)

Most Gracious God,
We bless you for the signs and wonders of your grace that are upon _____ through her caregivers, medicines, and rehabilitation. We rejoice at the healing that she has experienced and thank you for her returning strength. Continue to pour out your Spirit upon her to bless her with all she may need as you sprinkle her heart with hope as you keep her strong in faith and joy. In the peace of Christ we pray. (172)

Great God our Shepherd,
You go before us in the darkest valleys and bring us beside still waters of peace. Thank you for your guiding hand upon _____ during her time of surgery and for bringing her back among the living. Continue to bless her as she goes through this time of recovery toward a new beginning. Restore her vitality as you light up her nights with the Spirit's power and cradle her days within the peace of Christ. In Jesus we pray. (173)

Gracious God,
It is by your grace that we live and move and have our being. It is by your faith in us that we are able to see the world with your eyes and to rejoice. Thank you for your countless blessings upon our sister, _____, especially for the science and medical care that is enhancing her vision and increasing the quality of her life. Bless her during this time of recovery, according to your grace and good will. In Christ we pray. (174)

Intensive Care or Isolation (175-176)

Merciful God,
Because nothing escapes your ever-watching eyes, we rest confidently in your promises to keep and to bless. We pray for our sister, _____ at this traumatic time of intensive care/isolation. Blow your Breath gently upon her and touch her as we cannot. Dispense your healing goodness through her medications, machines, and the loving hands of those that tend to her needs. In Christ we pray. (175)

Our Maker from Whom Nothing is Hidden,
You give us love, give us faith, and give us the light of Christ, even when we are unable to respond to it. Shine that divine light now upon your daughter, _____, and supply her with all that she may need. May the healing power of your Holy Spirit be upon all who are tending to her, and the sweetness of the peace of Jesus be upon her family as they await her healing. In Christ we pray. (176)

For Chemotherapy or Long-Term Treatment (177-183)

God of Miracles,
We call on your dynamic, healing power through Jesus Christ our Savior, as we pray for our dear _____ who has need of your strength and healing touch. Bless her as she endures this time of chemotherapy/radiation and give her the inner resources to persevere in grace. Let all who care for her be the healing hands of Christ upon her now and in the days to come. And give her all good hope and faith. In Christ we pray. (177)

Our Heavenly Shield,
You defend us from the slings and arrows of life, especially when we are at our weakest. So, with confidence in your faithful care, we pray for our sister, ____, who is enduring the agony of chemo and radiation. Bless her with the perseverance, courage, and strength that she needs. Steady her steps and shine the healing light of Christ upon her, as you lead her to the still waters of peace. In Christ we pray. (178)

O God our Hope,
We bless you for the gentle ways you guide us through the confusing mazes of this life. When darkness falls upon us and we stumble without a sense of direction, you gently lead us toward the light. As your daughter, _____, must make her way through the maze of surgery and chemotherapy, be present in a strong and visible way. Pour out your Spirit and draw her ever closer to the healing light and peace of Jesus. In Christ we pray. (179)

God of All Blessing,
We are grateful for hospitals and treatment centers, scientists, technicians, for doctors who seek out better medicines and kinder cures, and for nurses whose hands convey the healing touch of Christ. Be with your child, _____, throughout her treatments, that the light of Christ may continue to shine through all who hover around her and deeply bless her with your healing grace. In Christ we pray. (180)

Blessed Savior,
In your grace we find your power to redeem every circumstance of our lives. We ask your grace now to pour out upon _____ as she looks to you for a full and complete recovery. Gird her with your power that she may flourish. Succor her with your touch that she may find comfort. Let your great mercy bless her according to her need and your good will, that she may triumph through your grace. In Christ we pray. (181)

We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you. Psalm 33:20-22

Gracious God,
You are faithful to all you have created, filling the earth with your steadfast love especially in the midst of all of the challenges and sorrows of life. Therefore we rejoice in your endless love and abiding care. Let your mercy continue to flow upon _____ as she seeks your healing touch through her treatments. Give her all she may need each day and be her help and her shield as she hopes in you. In Christ we pray. (182)

O God Who Lifts Our Heads,
When our load feels too heavy to bear, you raise us up. In times of unknowing and anxiety, you guide, strengthen, and comfort us. Have mercy upon our dear _____ in her dark time of battle with (cancer). Let your healing Spirit lift her head to receive the healing light of Christ. Help her to bear what must be borne with courage, patience, perseverance, and hope. And grant her the deep peace of Christ. Amen. (183)

When the Patient is Unable to Pray (184-185)
God of Life and Love,
What a blessing it is to know that when we are unable to, our loved ones plead for us through the Spirit of Christ our Savior. On behalf of our sister _____, we plead for your mercy. You are acquainted with her needs as we are not, and so we place them in your healing hands, knowing that your gracious will is for life abundant and your victory cry is “Peace”. In the name of the Victorious One we pray. (184)

Abiding God,
Even in the darkest times, when we consider your compassion we are made able to turn to you in hope and expectation. In trust in your amazing grace we pray for _____. As she battles for consciousness, we recognize your abiding presence and simply ask that you let it be with her according to your good will and mercy. Be with all those who wait helplessly at her side and grant them all the light of Jesus. In Christ we pray. (185)

For the Mentally Ill (186-188)

Faithful God,
You carry us when we are weak, lead us when the way is dark, and surprise us with your amazing grace all along the way. As _____ makes her way through this time of mental illness, we ask that you will carry her, lead her, and surprise her with your gifts of grace. Bless her with all she needs and give her all confidence and hope in you. In Jesus we pray. (186)

O God our Sanctuary,
We would be still to remember that no matter our circumstances, you are the source of all of our strength and hope. Send your healing strength upon _____ we pray. Bless her according to her needs and your kind heart, as you bestow perseverance and courage in the face of all that seeks to destroy her life. And write hope upon her heart as you lead her toward the light and peace of Christ. In Jesus we pray. (187)

God of the Unknown,
We thank you today for our sister, _____, and ask you to bless her with a full measure of your Spirit’s life that she may have a sense of your abiding presence in the midst of her confusion. We cannot know if a sound mind may be according to your will, but we do know that whatever her condition, the light of Christ will arise upon her so she may find the peace that passes all understanding. In Jesus’ precious name we pray. (188)

After a Stroke or Major Disability (189-195)

God of the Helpless,
We thank you for the grace that upholds our sister _____ in this harrowing time. You have brought her back to awareness and toward the hope of recovery. We pray you will continue to pour out your healing Spirit until she is able to return to the fullness of life. Meet her needs according to your good will and keep her in the sweetness of Jesus' peace forevermore. In Christ we pray. (189)

Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD. . . your God. Isaiah 43:1c-3a

Anchor of Hope,
We thank you for your promises of old, and claim them now on behalf of our dear sister, _____, as she passes through these overwhelming waters of trauma. Be with her through the flames of recovery and give her the patience and strength to endure what each day brings. And grant her the peace of Christ that passes all understanding. In Jesus we pray. (190)

Gracious God,
We thank you for _____'s family and friends who gather around her each day to support and care for her, especially _____, as she/he surrounds her with love and compassion during this long ordeal. Bless them both as she recovers and give them the peace and light of Jesus each day. In Christ we pray. (191)

Our Maker and Redeemer,
We rejoice that you are at work in our lives, mending what is broken and bringing goodness out of those circumstances of our lives we would curse. We ask your abiding Spirit upon our dear friend, _____, in her search for better health. Bless her with what she requires each day, and be with _____ as s/he stays by her side. Give them courage in each day's struggle and renew them each night in the peace of Christ. Amen. (192)

Faithful God,
As our beloved friend, _____, regains her strength and health, she relies on you for that which she needs each day. Bless her with a complete recovery, according to your good will and mercy. Fully restore her energy and good health as you renew her faith and hope in you. Touch her gently with your healing hands and give her a full measure of the peace of Christ. In Jesus' name we pray. (193)

O God our Confidence,
Your Breath of life upholds us at all times, but especially when we are weak. We thank you that in our helplessness, your strength is made apparent and your grace gives us courage. Let your wings of hope come and lift up _____ at her time of great need. Have mercy upon this beloved child of yours as she waits for recovery, and give her the vision to see beyond the present moment. In our Savior Jesus we pray. (194)

Holy God,
We give you thanks that _____ is home from rehab and praise you for all of the healing that she has received from your hand. Grant her full recovery and restoration to mobility and speech according to your good will and mercy. Give her serenity to accept her new limitations yet to persevere in hope, and settle the peace of Christ upon her as manna from heaven. In Jesus our Savior we pray. (195)

For Recovery from an Eating Disorder (196)

O Hovering God,
Your grace is sufficient for each day, and your will for all is that we may flourish and thrive. And so we pray for _____, as she learns how to love herself and how to thrive. Let the aroma of Christ fill her body, mind, and soul with your abundant goodness, that she may see Jesus' light shining in her darkness and accept the healing touch of your Spirit’s mighty power. In Christ we pray. (196)

For Recovery from Addictions (197-199)

O God of all Life,
We affirm that you are in control of this world, this life, this day. And just for today we let go of the chaos and pain of our lives so we may cling to your abiding love and healing peace. Grant to _____ the wisdom to accept the things she cannot change and the courage to make the changes that are within her control. And help her to discern the difference as you lead her into a sober and joy-filled path. In Christ we pray. (197)

Ever-faithful God,
You call us to let the burdens of the past slip away as you challenge us to take up the cross of loving ourselves and learning to know ourselves as you know us. That is our prayer for your beloved child, ____, as you help her work her program with integrity and courage. Lead her to closer communion with you as she learns to live in the joy of your amazing grace one day, one hour at a time. In Christ we pray.

O God of New Beginnings,
We thank you for this day of life and all the possibilities it holds, praying for our dear friend, _____. As she clings to you through the steps of her recovery, woo her to a deeper spirituality, a wider trust, and a higher hope in you. Meet her needs each day according to your good will and mercy, and grant her the serenity in Christ she seeks. In your Spirit's power we pray. (199)

For Recovery From Guilt (200)

Forgiving God,
Your dear child, _____, needs the assurance of your pardon. She has heard your loving words of hope and renewal, but still cannot seem to make them her own. Help her to remember your grace, given so freely in Jesus. Grant her the strength to let go of the guilt and self-recrimination that she now harbors, so she may forgive herself as the beloved child of your heart. We ask in the name of Jesus, our Savior and Friend. (200)

For Two Patients in One Family (201-207)

O Eternity of Compassion,
You call us to pray so that others may be blessed in their bodies, their faith, and their hope. And so we pray for _____ and _____ as they both struggle with poor health. Be with each of them to bless and restore them according to their need and your good will and mercy. And touch them with your healing Spirit as you lead them in the light and peace of Jesus our Savior. In Christ we pray. (201)

O Refuge from the Storm,
Your amazing grace nurtures our bodies and spirits in the midst of difficult times, and so we lift up before you the special concerns of _____ and _____. Be a sanctuary of hope amidst of the storms of physical disability. Nurture them according to your good will and mercy. Bless them with all they may need, and settle the peace of Christ upon them as your daily benediction. In Christ we pray. (202)

Great God of all Blessing,
Your goodness triumphs even in dark and chaotic times and so we lift before you the needs and concerns of _____ and _____. Stranded in the midst of two stormy illnesses, their need is great. Guide them through this time and bless them with the wisdom, strength, and courage they need each day. Pour out your healing Spirit upon them and fill them with the peace of Christ. In your mercy we pray. (203)

Compassionate God,
You invite us to call upon your Spirit for guidance, strength, and courage in all circumstances. And so we pray for your children _____ and _____ in their hour of need. As they each must undergo a time of uncertainty and testing, let your face shine upon them, that their darkness may be filled with the light of Christ. And bless them with the peace that passes all understanding each day. In Jesus' name we pray. (204)

O God of All Mercy,
Your great canopy of love and mercy stretches from generation to generation. We seek your healing hand upon _____ and _____, now in need of the restoration of health and hope. Call forth new life from their ailing bodies and sagging spirits. Tent them with the joy of your salvation and let them rest secure wrapped within your abundant compassion. Through Jesus, the Beloved One, we pray. (205)

Ever-Listening God,
You hear the cries of our hearts’ desires and respond to our pleas with grace and mercy. Hear our prayers on behalf of our dear _____ and _____ as they go wade through the treacherous waters of illness. In your mercy, touch them with your Spirit’s healing breath and restore them according to your good will. And lead them to health and serenity as they follow in the steps of Jesus. In Christ we pray. (206)

God of Heaven and Earth,
Within your Reign of goodness and mercy, you bestow faith to see your unseen presence, you offer strength to endure what cannot be changed, and implant courage to begin again. You have given these gifts in abundance to _____ and _____ and for that we are most grateful. We ask that your healing grace will continue to overflow upon them now, so their spirits may abound in joy and hope. In Christ we pray. (207)

For Family Caregivers (208-209)

O God our Sanctuary,
Fugitives from lives of relentless giving, empty of resources, and longing for rest, we run to you. We lift before you, _____, who is finding it hard to keep on going today and call upon your endless well of mercy to fill her. Help her to better care for herself that she may better tend to the needs of _____. Let your Spirit’s power be upon them both to be their strength, their comfort, and their hope. In Jesus’ name we pray. (208)

Loving God,
Your faithfulness to us teaches us what covenant love means, and we see that love mirrored so clearly in the ties that bind the _____ family. They are torn asunder by _____’s [mental] disease, yet they find the grace to offer her dignity and care. Bless them all in this time of turmoil and struggle. Shield them from all that would cause them harm, and lead them in Jesus’ peace each day. In Christ we pray. (209)

For Patients Away from Home (210)

Gracious God,
We thank you for your Spirit’s breath that nurtures us through the love of family, friends and neighbors, and even the kindness of strangers. We are grateful for the care that comes from the gifts of their hands and hearts. Bless _____ now as she prepares to go to _____ to seek your healing. Blow hope upon her that she may endure what must be endured and find returning health. In the love of Jesus we pray. (210)

For Family Members Apart From Patient (211)

God of All Families,
We thank you for the _____ and for the eyes of faith that help them see your abiding presence bringing comfort, strength, and help in their helplessness. As they wait today for news about _____’s condition, let your mighty Spirit blow upon them. Heal their dear loved one according to your compassionate will. And fill them all with the peace of Christ. Amen. (211)

Miscellaneous (Unnumbered)

Holy ONE,
You are our Source and our Sanctuary, our Root and our Shade, our Beginning and our Ending. How we bless you for this day that you give us! How we rejoice in your steadfast love and faithfulness to each of us and all of us in every generation! May it be that the praise of our mouths and of our hearts resound in holy harmony with the music of the spheres that is an echo of your passion and boundless grace.

We pray this day for _____and _____ who find themselves flung back into the fray of treatments and protocols, of appointments and missed vacations, of testing and breathless waiting. We ask that you will bless them according to their need and your tender mercies, that even in the midst of the battle, they may find deeper insights, greater wisdom, and your peace that passes all understanding.

Let your healing Spirit touch each of them and all of us this day, until we want no more. In Christ we pray.


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