Friday, December 3, 2010

2--Prayers for Family Life


There are 119 short prayers in this section to give you a starting place to send your own prayers to friends, neighbors, and those whom you feel led to pray for. Please feel free to copy them and adapt them as you see fit.

A Note from the Author

This collection of prayers is intended for those who wish to offer written prayers for friends, family, or church members as an expression of their love and faith. The short prayers are for times of both celebration and need and easily can be adapted to suit the particular situation of the recipient. Please feel free to copy and paste them into your computer to make your personalized cards, or they may be handwritten on invitation-size card notes.

The prayers are written from a Christian perspective, but may be adapted to suit the religious perspective of any God-seeker or spiritual traveller. All Scripture quotes are from the New International Version,, 2006 Zondervan


Birthday Prayers (1-40)

Birthday During Pregnancy (41-42)

Birthday in Challenging Times (43-54)

Birthday for the Dying (55-56)

For a Twelve Step Birthday (57)

Birthday Prayers and Letters for Children (58-62)

Engagement (63-65)

Wedding (66-69)

Anniversary (70-83)

Anniversary of a Marriage Restored (84-85)

Anniversary in Challenging Times (86-87)

News of Pregnancy (88)

Undergoing Fertility Treatments (89)

Arrival of an Adopted Child (90)

Birth of a Baby (91-93)

Birth to a Single Mother (94)

New Grandparents (95)

New Home (96-99)

House Blessing (100)

First Day of School (101)

Graduation (102-109)

Away at School (110-112)

For Parents (113)

Foster Parents and Children (114)

Coming Out (115)

When a Family Member Comes Out (116)

Unemployed (117)

New Job (118-119)

Birthday Prayers (1-40)

God of Our Hearts,
You have blessed us with the magnificent gift of life, and so we rejoice and are glad in this day, especially as we celebrate the life of our friend _____. In hope and expectation, we lift our prayers for your Spirit’s blessings upon her. Grace her with all she may need now and in the coming year. And continue to guard and strengthen her each day as you lead her into Christ’s paths of peace. In Christ we pray. (1)

Weaver of Life,
How blest we are to be alive, wondrously woven together with others in your beautiful plan of Creation. We lift our hearts to you in joy and thanksgiving for your great Design! And we thank you for the life of our dear sister, _____, whose bold faith and colorful spirit adds such vibrancy to our corner of the world. And let your blessings of grace and good will be upon her in the coming year, through Christ our Lord. (2)

Joy of the Earth,
We celebrate the life of our dear friend, _____, asking your holy touch upon her as she journeys into another year. We pray that you will keep her aware of your Spirit’s guiding presence with her always. Steady her feet in the path of Christ and let his light shine upon her and through her. Give her all she may need each day that she may find your abundant goodness and live each day in joy. In Christ we pray. (3)

God of Jubilation,
We celebrate your incredible goodness to us as we mark the_____ anniversary of our dear _____’s birth by thanking you most dearly for her presence with us. Bless her abundantly in the coming year we pray. Keep her growing strong in wisdom, broad in love, and deep in the joy of living. Give her with health in body, mind, and spirit, that she may travel the paths of your light and peace. In Christ we pray. (4)

Holy God of All,
We thank you for the life you have bestowed upon our dear _____. We are grateful for her contagious spirit and for the many ways she ignites our community with her compassion and concern. And how we bless you for her ____ (gifts: beautiful music; faithful service; great joy)! Keep her steady and true as she continues to flourish throughout the coming year that she may joyfully witness to your goodness and love. In Christ we seek these blessings. (5)

Gracious God,
We give you our great thanks and praise, especially as we thank you for the life of _____ in our midst. We are most grateful for the many ways she conveys your love, trust, and hope to us and to the world around her. Bless her today and in the year to come, as you guide, sustain, and encourage her. And grant her your wisdom and strength as she follows the steps of Jesus into the future you have planned for her. In Christ we pray. (6)

Creating God,
You give us life and care for us with tender mercies all of our days. You rejoice in our being and delight in our uniqueness, all the while shaping us into the likeness of Christ. How we thank you for the unique and charming _____, whose life we celebrate this day. Grant her your favor now and in the coming year, we pray. Continue to nurture her and sustain her with your joy through all her days. In Christ we pray. (7)

Gracious God,
It is our great joy to thank you for the good gift of life you have given to our friend, _____. We are grateful for the many ways she shares your grace and love with both strangers and friends alike. Pour out your Spirit upon her now and in the coming year, O Lord. Keep her alert to the surprises of joy that await her. Strengthen her for the challenges she may face, and refresh her in the deep pools of Christ's peace. In Him we pray. (8)

O Thou Who art Life and Grace,
As a mother cradles her newborn child, so you embrace us in your care, warming us with your constant love and feeding us with divine kindness. Your Spirit breaks upon our hearts like the morning sun and warms our hearts with hope. And so in hope and love, we celebrate in the life of your beloved child, _____. Grant her your blessings each morning, and give her your vision to see Christ's light when the nighttime comes. In the name of Jesus we pray. (9)

Light of All the Earth,
You fill our dark skies with the rays of your love and cause us to shine like the noontime sun. Wrapped in the warmth of your love, we blossom and flourish throughout our days. We thank you for the shining life of your dear child, _____, and we ask your blessings upon her each day. Give to her all that she may need to blossom in faith, flourish in love, and abound in hope now and always. In Christ we pray. (10)

O Sustaining God,
It is by your loving goodness that we are given life, named as your beloved children, and sustained by your power all our days. We thank you today for your beloved child, ____, and for her loving, energetic presence among us. We celebrate her faithful service to you in humility and good humor. Bless her now and in the year to come, we pray. And endow her with all she may need to continue her journey of life in deep wisdom, good health, and great joy. In Christ we pray. (11)

O Eternal Love,
How lovely is the day where Thy Spirit abides! We thank Thee for _____, whose life reflects Thy abiding presence each day. We praise Thee for the many ways Thou hast shaped her for love, compassion, courage, hope, and joy. And we seek Thy abundant blessings to continue to envelop her in all her tomorrows. Grant that Thy shaping Spirit may continue to nurture her in grace, lead her in justice, and enfold her in the peace of Christ. In Thy holy name we pray. (12)

God of Miracles,
The miracle of life with you overwhelms our senses and brings us to a listening silence where we hear whispers of your love. How we thank you for the faith that woos us into daily intimacy with you. And we thank you particularly for _____, whose life we celebrate today. Shower your blessings on her now and in the coming year, and continue to lead her in Christ’s paths of peace and joy. In Him we pray. (13)

O Source of All Goodness,
What a blessing we have in the gift of faith that helps us see your grace at work in our lives. What a joy to discover your miracles that abound in the world! And how clearly we see your providential and grace upholding the life of our dear friend, _____! Her words are kind and gracious; her deeds are just and merciful. We celebrate her presence and ask your blessings to continue to flow upon her and through her. Give her all she may need and keep her rejoicing in the path of Jesus. In Christ we pray. (14)

O Beloved One,
Our mortal thoughts fail to comprehend your greatness, yet we somehow recognize that we are upheld by your steadfast love and sustained by the abundant power of your Spirit. Today we celebrate the abundant life of our sister, _____. As she enters her middle years we ask your blessings of the trust and joy of childhood and the wisdom and courage of the aged. And let the peace of Christ be with her all her days as he leads her toward the full light of your glory. In Him we pray. (15)

O Source of All,
Each day your Spirit calls us into a journey of faith and hope, and calls us to rejoice in you with the energy of our bodies, the focus of our minds, and the dance of our spirits! Hallelujah! We pray for our friend, _____, as she steps into a new year of life. Bless her today and all her tomorrows. Be mindful of her needs and meet each of them according to your good will and mercy. And lead her in the Great Dance of our Lord Jesus, now and always. In Christ we pray. (16)

Grand and Glorious God,
We thank you that we are both challenged and fulfilled as we journey through life with you. We thank you particularly for your gift of life to _____ and for all the ways she reflects your love and hope in the midst of her challenges and trials. Let your light shine upon her today and in the coming year, we pray. Keep her open to the surprises of your grace and give her all she needs as she follows in the footsteps of Jesus our Savior. In Christ we pray. (17)

Most Loving God,
The magnificent gift of life is a gift of your grace to us. We delight in the life of _____, whose birthday we celebrate today. We seek your richest blessings upon her now and in the coming year. Grant to her your Spirit’s guidance each day and lead her in your mysterious ways of justice, peace, and love. In Christ we pray.

O Fount of Living Waters,
Your loves bathes us in blessings as it causes goodness, healing, and hope to pour out upon us, carrying us along the stream of life from cradle to grave. We ask your gracious outpouring of blessing upon _____, as we celebrate her life and ministry among us. Satisfy her needs of body, mind and sprit and keep her moored in faith, anchored in trust, and harbored in hope, now and always. In Christ we pray. (19)

Gracious God,
As we live within the sanctuary of your love, we glimpse your glory and taste the sweetness of your mercy. And in gratitude and joy, we lift before you our sister, _____, and we ask that you will be her sanctuary of rest and hope, now and in the year to come. Bestow upon her your richest blessings and lead her into the paths of joy and peace. In Christ we pray. (20)

O Infinite Love,
With a life steeped in the wonder of your love, your daughter, _____, brings the aroma of Christ’s joyful humility to those around her. We are deeply grateful for her life, and pray you will pour out your Spirit upon her today and all of her tomorrows. Help her according to her need and your mercy, that she may never find cause to stop counting and naming your bountiful gifts. In the sweet Holy Spirit we pray. (21)

O God of New Beginnings,
With a song of joy we greet the new beginning that each day offers, and we extol your great design of life that leads us to forgiveness and renewal in you. We thank you for the gift of your grace upon _____, as we celebrate her life and new beginnings. Keep her clinging to hope in you. Remind her now and in the coming year of your faithful love, and help her so to believe where her eyes cannot see that she finds each day to be a celebration of her birth and life with you. In Christ we pray. (22)

O God of Surprising Joy,
All along our way, you’ve been with us. Even now, your Spirit goes before us, guiding and guarding us each step of our journey. We rejoice in overflowing joy for such faithful love that will not let us go, nor ever turn us away. And we thank you especially for your dear child, _____, as seek your rich blessings upon her now and in the coming year. Keep her walking serenely behind Jesus, so that no matter what may unfold, she may find green pastures of joy and deep pools of peace. In our Shepherd we pray. (23)

O Cloak of All Goodness,
Your steadfast love wraps around us with the warmth of the sun as it mends our wounds, heals our diseases, and causes us to reflect your goodness and mercy. We give you all thanks for these abundant blessings of your grace. And we pray for your humble servant, _____, who today celebrates her birthday. Bless her with all she may need, according to your good will and mercy. Cause her to shine throughout the coming year and grant her the warmth and peace of Christ. In Him we pray. (24)

God Our Vision,
In the brilliant light of Christ, we see the pathway of goodness and hope you would have us walk, and we are blessed. Shed the brightness of your covenant love upon our dear ____today as she marks the anniversary of her birth. Bless her with everything she may need to live according to your gracious good will in the coming year. And continue to lead her in Christ’s pathways of peace. In Him we pray. (25)

O Love Without End,
How exquisite is the gift of life lived in communion with you! We rejoice that you tether us one to another and help us blossom and flourish all our days. We thank you today for our sister, _____, whose compassion, wit and wisdom, humility and hospitality blossom in our community. Be with her in the coming year that your joy and peace may flourish in her heart as she follows in the steps of Jesus. In Christ we pray. (26)

God of All Grace,
The world overflows with signs of your exuberant love and the earth is full of the amazing wonders of your grace and good will. Our dear friend, _____ is a sign to us of your love and grace. We rejoice in the ways that she shares her life, faith, and time with those around her. Bless her now and in the coming year with all she may need, as you settle the peace of our Friend Jesus in the depths of her soul. In Christ we pray. (27)

O Blessed Shepherd,
Evidences of your faithful care and love surround us like the wildflowers of spring. Dwelling in the midst of your fields of goodness, we respond with cries of praise and gratitude. We thank you now for one the sheep of your own flock, _____. We thank you for her dear presence among us that enriches our lives with her keen humor, piercing questions, and gifts of love. Bless her today and in the coming year that she might continue to follow Jesus to the Living Waters of abundant life. In Christ we pray. (28)

O Source of All,
We thank you for the beauty of nature and its good gift of life that sustains and delights all your creatures. We are especially grateful for the gift of ____’s life, who we celebrate today and thank you for all the ways she so great cherishes your Creation. Let your Spirit breathe upon her now and in the coming year that she may continue to be blessed, nurtured, and astounded by joy. In Christ we pray. (29)

Great Choreographer of Life,
With your love to design the steps and your Spirit to be our guide, we are made able to dance in joy, leap in faith, and exult in hope through all the circumstances of our days. We are grateful for those who follow the rhythms of your design in step with us, especially for, _____, as she celebrates her special day. Bless her now and in the coming year with all she may need to continue to exuberate with a leaping heart behind the Lord of the Dance. In Christ we pray. (30)

God of All Goodness,
Our souls overflow with thanksgiving for the precious gift of being alive. We thank you today for our dear friend, _____, and for the countless ways she shares her vitality and joy in being alive. May your abundant blessings continue to fill her days and nights with goodness and mercy, as you keep her on the path of peace. In Christ we pray. (31)

O Boundless One,
Confined neither by time nor space, your love upholds the universe while calling us into life and sustaining us all our days. In a profusion of grace, you meet all of our needs, fill us with courage, and grant us the perseverance to follow your vision of peace.
Bless your beloved daughter, _____, now and in the coming year, we pray. Continue to grant her wisdom, courage, and strength to live each day triumphantly. And lead her onward into your ways everlasting. In Christ we pray. (32)

O Ground of our Being,
You are a taproot of grace that anchors our lives in you. You send the Spirit that lifts our hearts on wings of joy and hope. And we are blessed. We ask your continued blessings of roots and wings upon our sister-in-Christ, _____, today and in the year to come. Ground her firmly in your wisdom, lift her gently by your mercy. And let her soar in the wake of the One who is the Prince of Peace. In Christ we pray. (33)

O Stronghold of the Universe,
Your steadfast love gives birth to all life and especially the life of your child, _____. We ask your magnificent blessings upon her today and in the coming year. As her days unfold within your care, continue to grant her all that she may need to serve and honor you and your Reign of Love. Give her a full measure of hope and joy, and lead her in the paths of the Prince of Peace. In Christ we pray. (34)

O Keeper of Promises,
We thank you for your Spirit’s faithful care that upholds us by your power, guides us by your wisdom, and renews us by your mercy. We ask your special favor upon our sister, _____, on this day of celebration for her life. Give her a day of joy and thanksgiving. Bring her a year of meaningful work, rest and play. And help her find an ever-deeper tranquility in your presence through the Promised Prince of Peace. In Christ we pray. (35)

O Faithful One,
You welcome, forgive, and heal us in never-ending love. And you help us find your good will and purposes within the matrix of our days. We joyfully thank you for all that you are to us and all people. And we ask your special blessing this day upon our sister, _____, as we celebrate her life of _____ years. Rest your hand upon her and grant her an overflowing measure of your Spirit. Meet her needs each day according to your good will and mercy, and lead her in the light and peace of Jesus. In Christ we pray. (36)

Inscrutable God,
We cannot know you completely, but we know your Spirit that abides with us to help us celebrate life abundant with you. We ask your great blessings now upon your beloved child, _____, as we honor her life. Let her journey with you continue in the joy, good health, integrity, courage and hope that she seeks. And lead her in the Way everlasting. In Christ we pray. (37)

O Sour of All Love,
You turn our hearts of stone into beating drums of thanksgiving and praise as you give us faith to know you, hearts to love you, and willing hands to serve you. We thank you for the blessing of _____’s presence in our lives, for the faith she shares, and the good news she spreads in all that she does. Continue to fill her lips with songs of your love each day, her hands with deeds of your mercy, and her life with your joy. In Jesus we pray. (38)

O Carpenter of Our Days,
Your measure is mercy; your brick is faithfulness, and your mortar is love.
With Jesus as our cornerstone, you build us up each day so we may be your people, strong and true. We ask you to bless and favor our dear sister, _____, as we celebrate her life today. Undergird her with a certainty of your presence and good will. And fortify her in faith and hope so she may continue to live according to the blueprint of your Reign of Love, now and forever. In Christ we pray. (39)

O Surprising One,
Each day we are astounded anew by the ways you make us recipients of your grace so we may find meaning and purpose in this day, and hope for tomorrow. We pray your grace anew upon our dear sister-in-Christ, _____, as we rejoice in her life with us. Shower her each day with blessings beyond counting as she continues to follow Jesus toward your eternal peace and joy. In Christ we pray. (40)

Birthday During Pregnancy (41-42)

O Womb of All Love,
We thank you today for the love we share with _____, whose birth we celebrate today. We ask you to be with her now and in the coming year. Keep her safe through the remaining stages of her journey to motherhood and bless the little one who is bound to her as we are bound to you. Be her midwife of health and her birthing stool of joy, that all may be well, according to your good will and Spirit's power. In Christ we pray. (41)

Fountain of Life,
You place us in families where we become the persons you intend us to be as we learn what it means to love, to forgive, and to persevere. And as we celebrate the birth of _____today, we seek your blessing as she co-creates with you the new life within her. Let your blessings abound on them both, and help her to feast on the wonders of your grace, now and always. In Christ we pray. (42)

Birthday In Challenging Times (43-57)

O Force of Life,
How we thank you for your care of all life through the generations, and thank you especially this day for the life you give to _____. Bless her in the coming year through all of the challenges set before her. Give her the ability to choose wisely and the strength to meet what is ahead in faith and trust. And grant her the peace that passes understanding. In Christ we pray. (43)

O God of the Universe,
You plot the course of the sun and moon and you guide the stars in their appointed places. Through blissful times of calm and through tragic times of turbulence, you gently lead us in the course you have appointed. We ask your special birthday blessings upon _____, especially in this time of tragedy in her family. Uphold and guide her in the darkness by your light and grace. In Christ we pray. (44)

Keeper of Our Days,
We are grateful for your faithful care, especially in painful times of loss and sorrow. But even in the midst of our darkest days, you speak to us of life and never-ending love. We are grateful for the love we have for our dear _____, and we celebrate her life today. Let your Spirit hover over her, that she may enjoy your blessings even in the midst of grief. Sustain her by your strength, lead her by your wisdom, and console her in the peace of our Lord Jesus. In Christ we pray. (45)

O Guardian of Each Moment,
Under your watchful care we find meaning and hope for our days even in times of loss and despair. By the power of your Spirit, we are strengthened to be your faithful, joyful people, and so with joy we honor our friend, _____. Be the shade at her right hand, the light in her darkness, and the hope of her tomorrows. With a shepherd’s tender care keep her steady and secure, and help her remember your blessings with thanksgiving and joy. In Christ we pray. (46)

O Hovering God,
Like an eagle protecting her young, your watchful eyes are always upon us. You nurture us with your faithful love and hide us in the shadow of your wings in times of trouble. We pray your birthday blessings upon, _____, and seek your healing grace upon her at this time of illness. Give her all she may need each day so that her spirit may soar on the wings of your joy and her body rest content in the tender hands of Christ. In Jesus we pray. (47)

O God our Refuge,
Like an eagle teaching her young to fly, catching them safely in her spreading wings, you buffer our falls and give us hope. You carry us when we’re too shaky to walk, and you cause us to soar on the wings of your love. We ask blessings deep and wide upon _____ today as we celebrate her birth. Catch her in your spreading wings, we pray. Renew her strength and help her to soar. Bathe her in the light of Christ and fill her with his peace and joy. In Christ we pray. (48)

O Transforming God,
How dependent we are on your amazing grace for all things. . . for hearts that beat and lungs that fill and fill again. . .for the ability to receive care from those who are the hands of Christ to us. . .and for the gift of a life full of wonders and signs of your abiding Spirit. We celebrate the life of our dear _____, and lift her up to you during her prolonged illness. Lead her to better health and energy. Grant her strength and help her find the still waters of peace each day. In Jesus we pray. (49)

Holy God,
We offer our heartfelt gratitude for the special happiness that we find in the people you place in our lives. We thank you especially today for our wonderful friend, _____. You know her needs and are acquainted with all her sorrows. Bless her now and in the coming year according to your good will and mercy. Be her strength, courage, wisdom, and let the peace of Jesus be a bridge over the troubled waters before her. In Christ we pray. (50)

God of Abiding Mercy,
We thank you for the precious gift of life that you have given to _____. We honor her today and thank you for all the ways we have been blessed by her presence, friendship, and compassionate heart. Continue to pour out your Spirit upon her, giving her strength and peace for her soul as she lies quietly on her sickbed. May she find your grace to be sufficient for all her needs and your love to be the source of all healing. In Jesus our Savior we pray. (51)

God of All Our Days,
How we thank Thee for all Thy blessings bestowed upon us throughout our earthly journey in such abundance! We ask Thy gracious blessings upon _____ as we celebrate the completion of another year of her journey. In love and mercy, continue to heal, strengthen, and lift her toward better health. And grant her Thy power to persevere that she may bear all things with courage, patience, and joy. In Christ we pray. (52)

Hope of the Ages,
We celebrate the life we share together with your dear daughter, _____. We ask your Spirit’s transforming power to bless and keep her in the coming year as she faces an unknown and frightening future. Give her what she may need to rise to the challenge with courage and trust. And bless her always with the grace and the great shalom of our Teacher and Friend. In Jesus we pray. (53)

Great Sower of Life,
As Creation springs forth at your command and sings your glories, we would add our hymns of joy to its anthem. And today we sing in thanksgiving for the life you have given to _____. We celebrate her life even as we lay before you her particular concerns. You know them well and are acquainted with all her suffering. Bless her with your Spirit’s touch now and in the coming time so she may always remember that your grace is sufficient for all her needs. In Christ we pray. (54)

Birthday For the Dying (55-56)

O Heart of our Hearts,
Your gift for each of us is a grace-filled life sustained by your Spirit. We experience this goodness most profoundly when you place others in our lives that gladden our hearts with love and joy. That is why we clap our hands in thanksgiving for the gift of _____’s life whose birthday we celebrate today. Shower her with your deep, rich blessings now and in the short time she has left on this earth. And grant that each day she may drink from the still waters of your peace until she wants no more. In Christ we pray. (55)

Eternal God,
Ageless and mighty, you are a tower of strength for us throughout the span of our years. Even as our bodies grow weaker and our faculties dim, you call us to thanksgiving and praise for each day. Especially today, we lift to you our gratitude for our dear and precious friend _____. Bless her now as you have throughout her long life. Help her to remember how dearly she is loved. And give her strength, courage, and wisdom as you lead her gently home to her final rest and comfort. In Christ we pray. (56)

Twelve Step Birthday (57)

God of New Beginnings,
Our spirits soar at the vision you hold up for us as persons healed and sober. We bless you for _____ this day, who marks the completion of ____ years of sobriety. Continue to sustain and strengthen her as you demonstrate your power through her weakness. Grant her serenity, courage, and wisdom, and lead her onward in the road of recovery with a new beginning each day. In Christ we pray. (57)

Birthday Prayers and Letters for Children (58-62)

Dear God,
Thank you for families that love and care for us. We pray for _____ on her ____ birthday and for her mommy and daddy, too. Help her to grow strong in body, mind, and spirit. Help her to remember that you are crazy about her! And help everyone who cares for her to teach her your ways, so she will know and love you all the days of her life. In Jesus’ name we pray. (58)

Dear God,
We thank you for _____ on her special birthday. We thank you for her family and friends, and all the ways they show her your love and care. Help them to raise her up in goodness and peace. Give her a great day, and keep her safe and healthy in the coming year. In Christ we pray. (59)

Dear God,
We thank you for the wonderful first year of life you have given to _____. We are blessed to know her and joyfully pray for her and her parents. Meet her every need according to your good will and loving heart. Keep her safe, strong and healthy. Give _____ and _____ all that they will need to help her to blossom one day into a woman of love, faith, and hope. In Christ we pray. (60)

Dear _____,
You are _____ years old today! Happy, happy birthday! Your friends are praying for you on your special day. We pray that God will bless you BIG TIME in the coming year to help you grow strong in body, mind, and spirit. May you know God’s comfort when you are afraid, God’s wisdom when you have choices to make, and God’s joy when you help others. Just remember, God is crazy about you! Much love, (61)

Dear _____,
Happy birthday a little late! I’m sorry we missed your special day. I’m writing to let you know that your friends are (church family is) praying for you and asking God to bless you REAL GOOD! We pray you will keep on growing strong and healthy in body, true and wise in mind, and kind and loving in spirit. We love you! (62)

Engagement (63-65)

O Binding One,
You have called _____ and _____ into a life-giving relationship, and now they desire to bind themselves to one another with holy promises. We seek the strength of your bounteous Spirit in this time of preparation for marriage. Give them all they may need to support each other in mutual respect and love. And bless them as they journey hand in hand into the future you have planned. In Christ we pray. (63)

God of Jubilation,
We rejoice with _____ and _____ at this time of engagement and ask your blessings as they prepare to make their covenant vows to each other. Thank you for this special relationship that nurtures them so richly and shines the light of love upon their families and friends. Let the roots of their love be watered by laughter, forgiveness, and joy. Gird them with wisdom and peace and bless them for all of their days. In Christ we pray. (64)

God of Covenant Promise,
We lift before you _____ and _____, asking your blessings upon them as they prepare themselves to make their public vows of love and commitment. Keep them tethered to your Spirit and to one another, so when the storms arise and the dark times come they will not just survive, but may triumph in grace and hope. Let the glow of their love be a blessing to others and help them sojourn in the peace and joy of Christ all their days. In your holy name we pray. (65)

Wedding (66-69)

God of All Love,
We celebrate the relationship of _____ and _____ as they bind their lives together in holy matrimony. Pour your goodness out upon them that this marriage may be a tree of life to them. Give them deep roots to hold fast to you and each other in stormy times. May the tree of their love bring blossoms of blessings and fruits of your Spirit now and always. In the joy and hope of Christ we pray. (66)

Gracious and Loving God,
We extol you for the beauty and mystery of covenant love that teaches us to reach out beyond ourselves in humility and mutual respect. As _____ and _____ make their sacred vows to become as one, bless their life together. And let the bonds of commitment, friendship, and forgiveness keep them vibrant with an ever-growing love, that they may be a source of blessings to all who know them throughout their days. In Christ we pray. (67)

Binding God,
We celebrate with _____ and _____ the covenant relationship to which you have called them. We pray for their marriage and for the family that they have formed through their vows. Anchor them in your faithful love, so that no power on earth can tear them asunder. And give them all that they will need to be a lighthouse of hope to each other and the world. In Christ we pray. (68)

Loving God,
You have called _____ and _____ into a life-sustaining, life-changing covenant of marriage. May they find their truest selves and deepest meaning for life within its bonds. And as we celebrate this sacred act of love, we ask you to breathe your Spirit upon them and bless them with all they will need through the years. Feed them with the bread of angels and grant them the joy of abundant life now and always. In Christ we pray. (69)

Anniversary (70-83)

Eternal Love,
We thank you for these precious gifts of life, love and marriage that wrap us in your amazing grace! And we are grateful for the precious gifts you have bestowed upon _____ and _____ through their years together. Let your grace-filled blessings continue to abound in them, with them, and through them. And keep them always rejoicing as they follow in the steps of Jesus along your paths of love. In Christ we pray. (70)

Great Singer of Love,
You place a song in our hearts and tune it to the Symphony of the Spheres. Thank you for the beautiful harmony of _____ and ______ whose song of love has sounded for _____ years and whose life together resounds with your goodness and joy. Bless them now and in the coming year with the light and peace of Christ. In Christ we pray.

God of the Ages,
We thank you today for the covenant love of _____ and _____ who together have shared an overflowing measure of your goodness through the last _____ years. Continue to pour out your Spirit upon them now and in the coming year, we pray. Bless them with good times, good health, and good hope, so their spirits may soar on the wings of your joy and their hearts may rest in Jesus' holy arms. In Christ we pray. (72)

Kind and Loving God,
How we thank you for the mystery of covenant love that makes us one through the gift of marriage. As _____ and ____ celebrate the mysteries and wonders of grace that their marriage has brought them, we pray they may continue to find blessing and joy each day of the coming year. Bless their family and help them all to continue to rejoice in the goodness and peace of our Lord Jesus now and always. In Christ we pray. (73)

Blessing God,
We thank you for friendships that bind us together in mutual respect and joy and for the friendship of marriage that deepens our ability to love and persevere. We are grateful for the lasting friendship and strong marriage of _____ and _____ that you have nurtured to grow deep and wide through their years together. As they celebrate their life, their family, their friends, and their joy in you, bless them with all they may need to flourish in the coming time. In Christ we pray. (74)

Giver of All Good Things,
You bestow treasures from heaven. We thank you for _____ and _____ whose marriage is a treasure that blesses them, their family, and friends. We celebrate all of the ways they share your joy and good will with those around them. Continue to pour out your heavenly Spirit upon them in the coming year as you lead them in the paths of peace. In Christ we pray. (75)

God of Grace,
We thank you for the countless ways you bless _____ and _____ and their family with your goodness, and thank you for the strong bonds of faith, love, and hope that tethers them to each other and to you. Bless them in the coming year, we pray. And continue to guide them in your path and bask in your blessings throughout the coming year. In Christ we pray. (76)

Glorious God,
In your loving goodness, we are led into life-giving relationships that help shape us into our becoming. We ask your good blessings on _____ and _____ as they live into their becoming. Continue to strew their path with wisdom, hospitality, and joy. And lead them beside the still waters of your peace each day. In Christ we pray. (77)

God of Love,
How grateful we are for the gift of marriage and for all the ways it helps us become more fully ourselves, more fully alive! We are blessed by days and years lived in covenant love, and are grateful for the many years of covenant love between _____ and _____ . Bless them now and in the coming year and continue to guide them into your paths of peace and joy-filled life. In Christ we pray. (78)

Gracious God,
Your grace transforms us into joyful witnesses of your love, that we may cherish all of life. We thank you for the deep love you have given to _____ and _____ through the years. We seek continued blessings upon them as they share their love, faith, and joy with those around them. And may the wonders of your grace abound in them throughout the coming year. In Christ we pray. (79)

God of Soaring Hope,
You nurture us through relationships that give wings to our souls. We thank you especially for the blessing of marriage that helps us become our truest selves as we learn what it means to live in covenant commitment. We celebrate the years of soaring love for _____ and _____ and pray for your deep blessings. Nurture their hearts, strengthen their wings, and lead them in joy everlasting. In Christ we pray. (80)

Ever-Giving God,
The gift of marriage brings us into the fullness of earthly joy as it helps us become persons of kindness, forgiveness, and humility. We celebrate your gift to _____ and _____ and ask that they may continue to blossom and flourish. Grant them all they may need in the coming year as you lead them ever closer to each other and to you. In Christ we pray. (81)

Heavenly Father,
You call us to pursue righteousness, justice, and peace in all of our relationships as you help us discover life abundant. We celebrate the relationship of _____ and _____ today and the goodness and blessing it brings to them, their family, and this community. May your Spirit continue to chart their course in the coming year and bring them a full measure of joy and hope each day. In Christ we pray. (82)

Eternal Love,
We lift our hearts in gratitude for your great gift of love. We thank you for the wonderful relationship that you have called _____ and _____ into, and for all the ways it nurtures their hospitality of heart and contagious joy. Bless them as they continue to journey along together, and give them all they may need to live in grace following in the light of Christ. In Christ we pray. (83)

Anniversary of a Marriage Restored (84-85)

God our Redeemer,
We thank you for your saving grace that has been working through the challenges that _____ and _____ have faced in their marriage. We are grateful for the mending that they have undergone and for the forgiveness they have offered and received. We celebrate your redeeming love that surprises us with joy. Continue to deepen their love and cause them to sing your praise now and in the coming years. In Christ we pray. (84)

Loving God,
We thank you for the countless ways you teach us what it means to love, to forgive, to hold on to what is good, and to let go of those things that do not allow life to flourish. We thank you for_____ and _____ and for holding them together and bringing them to a new beginning. Guide them into ever deeper understandings of love and give them joy to delight in and peace to share. In Christ we pray. (85)

Anniversary in Challenging Times (86-87)

O God of Celebrations,
We thank you for anniversaries that call us to celebrate the astonishing ways love can deepen and widen our hearts to overflowing even in the midst of challenging times.
We give you thanks for the love you have given to _____ and _____ and for the ways it blesses others. In this time of darkness, let your blessings spill out on each of them as you lead them by your light everlasting. Through Christ we pray. (86)

God of All Goodness,
We are grateful for your power to save and redeem our tattered lives and shattered hopes, and for your grace that is sufficient for all of our needs. We ask your grace upon on ______ and _____ as they celebrate the completion of another year together. And especially in these challenging times sow seeds of blessing along their path, that they may reap a great harvest of your bountiful goodness. In Christ we pray. (87)

News of Pregnancy (88)

God of All Life,
We rejoice at the miracle of life now being shaped within _____. We thank you for the promise of blessing this child represents and pray the gift health and strength as _____ (the mother), _____ (the father) and baby journey together towards the birthing day. May all be well and in accordance with your good will and mercy. And let the light of Christ shine upon this family all their days. In Him we pray. (88)

While Undergoing Fertility Treatments (89)

God of Hopeful Hearts,
Especially in times of personal struggle, your tender mercies restore our souls. Bless now _____ and _____ who are seeking a child through the medical procedures before them. If the conception of a baby is in accordance with your good will, then send it on its way into this couple’s yearning arms. If you have other plans, then help them to find your will as they wait patiently for your guidance. In Jesus we pray. (89)

Arrival of an Adopted Child (90)

Creating God,
In awe at the magnificence of life, we thank you for the child, _____,whom you have now brought into the _____family. Thank for her new parents who will help teach her what it means to be loved and cared for in life-giving ways. Give them the wisdom to help her blossom and flourish and bring them all together into the grace-filled future you have planned for this newly enlarged family. In Christ we pray. (90)

Birth of a Baby (91-93)

Gracious God,
How grateful we are for the gift of life with all its wonders and mysteries! We celebrate the new life of little _____ and ask your special blessings upon her throughout her years. Grant her parents your Spirit’s wisdom and guidance that they may raise her to be a woman who soars on the wings of joy. And give them all they will need each day, now and evermore. In Christ we pray. (91)

Creator God,
How we praise you for the new life of ______! Thank you for placing her in a family where she will learn what it means to love and be loved. Bless her as her parents nurture and guide this sweet and wonderful gift from you. May they teach her to see you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day. In Christ we pray. (92)

O Fountain of Life,
You are our Father and our Mother, the Head of all families. We thank you for the new life you have given to the _____ family in their daughter ______. Give her a life brim-full of health and joy and let her grow into a woman who will find courage to pursue justice and peace. May your grace that guards her heart and mind bless her now and always. In Christ we pray. (93)

Birth to a Single Mother (94)

Holy God,
New life, new love, and new hope are your gifts to _____ this day as she celebrates her new son/daughter, ______. Bless them in their needs, we pray. They need your wisdom and guidance; Lord, we ask it. They need your strength and courage; Lord, we pray it. They need your vision and hope; Lord, we seek it for them and for us all. And make your face to shine upon them now and always. In Christ we pray. (94)

For New Grandparents (95)

You have brought forth new life and we are most grateful. Richly bless the new baby and her family, especially _____and _____ as they chart the new course of grandparenthood. Let their love convey the touch of Christ in every hug and kiss. As they seek to support and sustain the busy new parents, inspire them to claim your blessings through their prayers, their love, and their hope. In Christ we pray.

For a New Home (96-99

God our Dwelling Place,
We thank you for your providential care that has led _____ and _____ to their new home, and we pray your blessing upon it. May your Spirit refresh them body, mind, and soul as they put down roots and branch out into their new community. And may their love and joy shine upon their new neighbors as you continue to lead them in the light and peace of our Lord Jesus. In Christ we pray. (96)

God of Tents and Palaces,
How grateful we are for new beginnings throughout our lives, especially for the hope and promise they bring. We ask your special blessings upon _____ and _____ and their family as they settle into their new home, new community, and new routines. Guide their days, guard their nights, and let your light shine through them so that your peace may fill their home and bring a sense of joy to all who enter its doors. In Christ we pray. (97)

Guardian of Our Days,
Seeking your guidance, _____ has heard your call to another position. And so we pray for her and her family as they move to _____. Bless their new home and give them joy in their daily lives, integrity in their service to your people, and an ever-deepening hunger for your abiding presence. And let the peace of Christ be their sure companion now and in the years to come. In Christ we pray. (98)

Precious Lord,
We pray for your blessings upon _____ as she leaves the house that has sheltered her and her family all these years. Let the echoes of their laughter, tears, and joy accompany her as she makes a new home. As she settles into her new apartment, may it quickly fill with the vibrations of good times, gracious hospitality, and whispering hope. And may she always find her True Home in you. In Christ we pray. (99)

For a House Blessing (100)

Eternal God,
May the soul of this new home for the _____ family be a wellspring of joy. Help them blossom and flourish as they share their lives together in ardent love and deep compassion. Let the breath of your Spirit inscribe this home with the echoes of their laughter and tears. And let your great name be praised through the kindness and mercy shown to and received by those who shelter within its walls. In Christ we pray. (100)

For First Day of School (101)

Good and Gracious Teacher,
The first day of school is an event a-jumble with hope and fear, a mixed blessing of new beginnings and new stresses. We seek your favor upon parents and children who await your guidance in the year to come. Keep them safe in their separate pursuits, gird them in wisdom, and surprise them with joy. And at the end of each day may they together rejoice in your love and celebrate your gracious ways. In Christ we pray. (101)

For Graduation (102-109)

O God of All Knowledge,
We thank you for the blessing that education has been in _____’s life. We are grateful for the experience and skills she has gained and for wisdom won in the process. Bless her now as she seeks to use her knowledge in ways that will promote goodness in this world. Help her use her gifts and abilities with integrity and courage and grant her all she may need each day and lead her always in peace and joy. In Christ we pray. (102)

God of Living Water,
We ask that your gracious blessings may overflow upon _____ as she leaves her girlhood behind and journeys into adulthood. Guide and keep her each step of the way. Give her wisdom, courage, and vision to follow the path marked by Jesus. Bestow joy in your Spirit’s presence and bless her with all she may need, now and always. In Christ we pray. (103)

Eternal God,
We pray for your child, ____, who seeks your blessing as she leaves her home nest and flies into the unknown future. In your mercy, offer her a clear vision of the way you would have her to go. Grant her confidence in the gifts and abilities you bestow upon her and give her wisdom to use them well. Let her serve your Reign with joyful integrity, and bless her throughout her days. In Christ we pray. (104)

Everlasting Lord,
With joy at this important transition, we pray for your dear child, _____ as she leaves school and begins to make her way in the adult world. We ask that you will give her the ability to live in the “now,” releasing the mistakes of the past and trusting the questions of the future to your loving care. Bless her with all that she may need each day, and guide her always in Christ’s paths of truth and peace. In Him we pray. (105)

Gracious God,
As your beloved daughter, _____, leaves behind the sanctuary of home and childhood and makes her way into the future, we ask your richest blessings. Guide her steps and keep her safe as she journeys into full adulthood. Grant her wisdom, faithfulness to the ways of Christ, and give her all she may need each day. In the joy and hope of Christ we pray. (106)

Eternal Stream of Love,
At this time of transition, as _____ assumes the mantle and burdens of adulthood, we pray for your grace to flow in abundance upon her. Help her to remember to live one day at a time so she will make room in her busy days for rest, for joy, and for your refreshing goodness. Be her vision, her help and her hope as she lives into the future you have planned for her. In Christ we pray. (107)

O God Our Way,
We thank you for your guiding hand upon _____ throughout her life, and we especially thank you for the challenges of college that have helped her to bloom into a mature woman of integrity and courage. We ask your Spirit’s blessings upon her now as she graduates and enters a new stage of her journey. Guide and strengthen her now and forevermore. In Christ we pray. (108)

Deep Well of Grace,
How we thank you for the gift of spiritual waters that refresh and renew us. Pour out your blessings now upon _____ as she graduates from high school and makes her way into the work force and the responsibilities of adulthood. Grant her joy in the companionship of your Spirit as she follows the path of Christ to the still waters of peace that passes all understanding. In your holy name we pray. (109)

For Those Away at School (110-112)

Gracious God,
We ask your blessing upon _____ while she is away from her family, friends, and home. Guide her steps so she may make wise decisions. May this experience prove to be a wonderful passage as she finds joy in her new friendships and satisfaction in her studies. Grant her faith to leap toward things she cannot see, strength to hold dearly onto your good will, and love to spread Christ’s light and life to those around her. In your Spirit we pray. (110)

O Loving God,
You give us all we need each day as you challenge and woo us into becoming the persons you intend us to be. How we thank you for _____’s beautiful becoming! We are grateful for your blessings of ability, health, and intellect upon her. And we thank you for the gentled heart and searching spirit that keeps her questing after you. Continue to guide and bless her in her studies and activities, in her rest and play. In the peace of Christ we pray. (111)

God of All the Ages,
We thank you for the ability to live in the present moment that gently offers us time to reflect on your goodness and to remember your greatness. Bless your dear child, ____, now and each moment of her academic career. Give her the wisdom and courage to find the true meaning behind the knowledge that she acquires, so she may always meet life boldly. Let her cup overflow with joy and let the light of Jesus lead her on. In Christ we pray. (112)

For Parents (113)

God of the Journey,
We pray for your abundant blessings upon our dear children. Grant us the grace to love them patiently and well. Let us be a calm presence for each one whom you entrust in our care through all of the ups and downs of the days and years. Give us the wisdom to know when to hold on tightly and when to let them soar. And with a sure sense of our hands in yours, lead us as a family abiding together in the light and peace of Christ. In Him we pray. (113)
For Foster Families (114)

Heavenly Father,
You create many shapes and forms of families, all unique, all blessed by your providential care. We thank you for the new family you have formed in calling _____ and _____ into the challenge and blessing of foster parenting _____( and _____). Bind them all together with bonds of love and respect so that each may thrive and that their life together may be a portrait of your gracious Rule on earth. In Christ we pray. (114)

For Someone Who Comes Out (115)

God of Grace,
Calling us to seek to be true to who you intend us to be, you lead us to the truth that sets us free. Your beloved child, _____, feels your hand leading her to come out as a gay/bisexual/transgendered woman. We ask your mighty Spirit upon her, especially when others are quick to judge and quicker to condemn. Give her patience and good will that she may bless the world with a life of integrity and peace. In Christ we pray. (115)

For When a Family Member Comes Out (116)

Guiding God,
Believing that you bring abundant life and goodness from all circumstances, we seek your blessing upon _____ and _____ whose beloved child has given them the gift of her truest self in coming out. As they begin to readjust their thinking, their memories and their dreams for her, let the truth set them free to see more clearly, love more dearly, and follow Jesus more nearly day by day. In Christ we pray. (116)

strong>For the Unemployed(117)

God of Salvation,
You know what we need each day and have plans for our future--plans of abundant blessing, pressed down and running over. We pray for _____, as she seeks to find the way you would have her to go. Help her to trust in your good will and guiding hand that she may wait patiently for the right door to open. And help her rest confidently in your care and rejoice always in your grace. In Christ we pray. (117)

For a New Job (118-119)

Guiding God,
What a blessing it is to have meaningful work to do that both challenges and fulfills us. We ask your blessings now upon _____ as she takes up the new job that you have guided her to. Give her all she needs to adjust to the increased demands and pressures and still find the balance she will need to rest and play and stay closely attuned to your goodness and peace. In Christ we pray. (118)

God of New Beginnings,
We ask your abiding presence with _____ as she assumes the responsibilities of her new job. Give her all she may need each day to accomplish her tasks with good will and patience. Help her to fulfill this new calling with courage, enthusiasm, integrity, and joy. And empower her by your Spirit to follow in the steps of Jesus each and every day. In Christ we pray. (119)


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